How Strong are Your Innovation ABCs?
Assess the current state of your ABCs and
create your roadmap to repeatable growth
Answer 20 simple Yes/Sort Of/No questions about the current state of your:
- ARCHITECTURE: How innovation happens, including the strategy, structure, processes, and governance
- BEHAVIOR: How leaders engage, including their habits, practices, and mindsets
- CULTURE: How the organization accepts and supports innovators and their efforts
Act on your results with practical recommendations you can implement today!
- UNDERSTAND the current state of your ABCs, what it means for your business, and what comes next
- STOP work on things that feel good but will take a long time to get results (you need quick wins!)
- FOCUS on the 1 thing that will have the greatest impact in the shortest amount of time
It’s that easy!
Simply enter your first name and email address, and your Innovation ABC Self-Assessment and Action Plan will magically appear in your Inbox (if it doesn’t, check your spam folder)!
Yes! I want to strengthen my Innovation ABCs
Please be patient! Sometimes it takes the “Let’s Go!” button a few seconds to work it’s magic. Count to 30 and, if nothing happens, go ahead and click away on the button (that always makes me feel better).