Let’s Talk

I love connecting with people who make innovation happen.

5 + 13 =

Email Me

To get in touch, fill out the form or send me a note at robyn@milezero.io. I’ll respond within 24 hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I’m all about being practical and efficient.

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.

Hope these are helpful and I look forward to answering all your other questions.

Who are your clients?

My clients are responsible for creating something new for their business. Sometimes it’s a new product but it can also be a new process, a new brand, a new direction, or a new strategy. Sometimes they’re in R&D but they’re just as likely to be in Marketing, Business Development, Strategy, and support functions.

What they have in common is a deep conviction that what they’re doing is in the best interest of the business, a relentless optimism that it’s possible to succeed, and a driving commitment to move past innovation theater and theory to get things done.  They also have a sense of humor, because goodness knows you need one in this game.

How are you different?

Here’s what my clients will tell you:

  1. I take the time to get to know them and their business. The smallest things can mean the difference between success and failure.  That’s why I believe in going beyond simply understanding a client’s industry and business to understanding their people and culture.
  2. I am relentless in my commitment to creating solutions that work. Theory and frameworks are a great starting point, but ultimately the solutions we create have to reflect the people and teams that will use them in order to generate results
  3. I believe this work should be energizing and fun. This is hard work, but it doesn’t have to be boring and serious.  As I work with clients, we build a relationship of trust, respect, and, just as importantly, moments of humor.

How do you work with clients?

In a word – Collaboratively.

If you want to hand someone a problem, have them disappear and do work, and then return with an answer, I am not for you.

If you want to be part of the process, learn and even practice the tools I use, and know that you were part of creating the solution, then we’ll work very well together.  After all, I am an expert in what I do, and you are the expert in your business, and only by working together will we create something truly meaningful

What results do you deliver?

If you’ve read the “Offerings” page, you know that the results I’ve delivered vary based on the work and what my clients need. In many cases, the results I deliver are tangible things like strategies, business plans, brands, or a training course.  But in each case, they’re almost always the start of the longer process of creating, launching, and scaling a new business or culture.  For that reason, I always seek to leave my clients with the deliverables promised in our contract AND the confidence and knowledge to push forward with the work we started.